Monday, January 15, 2007

Okay.. so i am going back to a nice list of things that have made me happy this week.

!. i know i have stressed this in the post before this one but friends make the top of the list. They make me the happiest.

@. Grey's Anatomy. I love that show. It makes me so happy and when i watch it i forget about everything else going on around me. I know that that TV show might not make everyone happy.. but you can find a show that does. Or a favorite movie perhaps? Watching something on TV that you'll enjoy will sometimes cause a person to cheer up.

#. Music. I tend to listen to music to go along with the mood I am in. Although listening to sad or depressing music doesnt seem like a good way to cheer someone up when they are in a sad or depressed mood, it works for me. So try it one day... or dont; i dont care. Either way music of any kind makes me happy.

$. Go to school games. Right now, Hockey games seem to be the place to go on friday, saterday or sunday nights. In the spring it will be Lacross or maybe baseball. Going to games and cheering on your school is great fun and it takes you mind off depressing things. Making fun of the other team and putting them down is fun to.

%. Believe it or not, teachers can be a sorce of happiness. i am not talking about the ones you hate or the ones that piss you off because they give a lot of homework or yell at you every day for no reason at all. Im talking about the sweet ones like Mr. Eure. Teachers that you can talk to and who know how to have a good time are the ones that will tend to cheer you up if you are down.

^. Go out to eat. Going out with friends to eat lunch or dinner and even breakfast is always fun. It gets you out of the house and you will not be alone to sulk in your sadness.. unless you go by yourself, which o do not recommend.

&. Talk about old times. Funny memories will always cheer you up for at least the time that you are remembering them.

Alright thats the list that i have come up with for this week. If you have any others feel free to let me know. I hope this upcoming week will be happier then the last.

-Your Chicken Noodle Soup


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i LOVE greys anatomy and going out with friends .. it is a type of persuit of HAPPINESS and takin ur mind off things