Friday, January 19, 2007

bla bla bla

What is making me happy right now?

!. The music that is playing on my computer from the Grey's Anatomy sound track.. im obsessed.

@. Live Journal. its awesome

#. You Tube. Its also awesome.. i would tell you what i am watching, but it is not "school appropriate"

$. The fact that in about two weeks i am going to the Bahamas

%. In the summer i am going to a Dispatch concert with some of my best friends. I cant wait.

^. Connors Blog because it is so funny.. even though he hates me.

&. This blog; because i have made a friend that isnt even in my Media Studies class and she found me first...

* i have facebook and myspace comments :D

10. I just finished another post! which means i only have one more to do by tomorrow at around 10am when Mr. Eure sips is coffee and reads this.

OH yeah.. and speaking of Coffee.. that makes me happy too... Starbucks is the greatest.

-your chicken noodle soup

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